In the beginning there was the word...
Our world is framed by and through the impact of words as they are thought, heard and felt.
Words and symbols are learnt in the context of a subject, an era, a social convention.
We can learn to harness our thoughts and our emotions so we are energised by words into action and not stifled by the energies of many in motion.
As students journey from child to adult learners, we draw from the lessons learnt in professional sport and apply the performance mindset to develop academic excellence.
After all, sport doesn't just build strength, it reveals character.
You have Permission to Stop.
Taking a moment for yourself to just sit and think is a powerful daily practice.
It's one that we highly encourage and help you refine.
Moments of stillness so you can rediscover your power and the poise of your purpose.
Everyday practice is a discipline that a lot of us lack. So Time is what we create.
Below are guided conversations to give you the time to find the clarity you need on How 2 Me so you can smile your way through 2025 @home @school @uni @work @play.
Take a Pause... rediscover your Purpose.
Learn How 2 Learn and How 2 Flow
in and through every transition in your life journeys with a Smile
@school @uni @work and in Pro Sport with DMA Mentoring.
Learn How 2 Learn
HSC 2025 Exams start in...
Learn How 2 Learn for every transition in your life journeys
@school @uni @work @play with DMA Mentoring
Learn How 2 Learn for every transition of your life journey @school @uni @work @play with DMA Mentoring

Academic and workplace mentoring, subject tutoring, health & wellness planning, and daily practice programs
We help HSC Students refine the way they work with their Teachers, Tutors and Peers as they pivot from a junior to Senior School learner and prepare for their first major academic exam: The HSC.
We help school and TAFE leavers transition from passive learners(@school) to active adult learners to help them smile their way to success in their tertiary education journey.
Additionally, we assist Postgraduate students returning to academia mid-career to navigate the process of learning How 2 Learn again with a view to retraining and or advancing their career to where they want to be.
Transitioning into the Workforce as a confident graduate is paramount. So too is having the presence of mind to find your feet at the bottom of the corporate ladder when you already know you should be CEO.
As parents, university lecturers and social health and education researchers, our approach to learning and daily life practice is holistic.
Our focus: Building Mental fitness muscles for academic performance @school and @uni and for refined business performance @work and @play for semi-pro and pro athletes.
We also give parents/carers (and some grandparents) practical support to engage productively to maximise their child's learning (with a smile) and help them develop their mental fitness muscles for academic performance in assessments and exams or as they transition from amateur to pro sportsmen and sportswomen.

How 2 @Uni
Attn: School Leavers & Mature Age Students
Learn How 2 Uni & College and Don't fail out first semester.
A lot of students fail out first semester, because although they managed to get a great ATAR they didn't actually Learn How 2 Learn for academic performance.
Each semester @ Uni, students learn (and are tested) on the equivalent of an HSC subject.
In HSC terms, that's 1 year (4 terms) of learning in 13 weeks, per subject, per semester.
That's a huge step up for all students and often times too much for a large majority.
Our mentors are current university lecturers each with over a decade of face-to-face and online teaching experience.
This service is for both domestic and International students studying at either undergraduate or postgraduate level.
DMA Mentoring brings together Leaders in education, sport, business, health and judiciary to help guide humanity towards sustainable best practice @home @school @uni @work and @play.
Life stage transitions are hard, but the transformations they enable are empowering.
At DMA Mentoring, we empower you to step with kindness and claim your place in the world.
Especially, during key times of transition, whether they be @home @school @work @play.
Our academic and mental fitness mentoring develops self affirming, life-long health and wellness practices that enable our HSC students, as well as students transitioning to or already @Uni, evolve into confident and contributing scholars.
We consciously develop the discipline of self care and treat the brain as a muscle to be nurtured, just like the body.
Both our Academic & Life Scholars programs focus on helping students evolve an understanding of self and nurture a desire for sustainable lifelong learning, into a daily practice.
At DMA, our mentors have sat astride success.
We've also endured the brutality of lessons learnt riding roughshod through and out of failure.
Not surprisingly, we have developed our mental fitness as muscles of compassion, with which we guide our students as they find their feet and evolve into confident learners and Life scholars, who know their worth and contribute.
Our program puts the student and parents/carers in the driving seat for How 2 Learn what they need to know and How 2 best prepare themselves mentally, physically and emotionally on top of the academics, for the journey to the examinations, so the habit of stress is dismissed in favour of enjoying and relishing the the process of learning.
DMA Mentoring helps students evolve through discipline and self care into Academic and Life Scholars who are empowered to create their destiny in, outside and beyond any classroom.