SUCCESS means different things to different people.
What you need now has been determined by your past actions.
ACTIONS are the result of our INTENTIONS.
Our intentions (thoughts and words) guided by where we place our energy.
In COMMUNITY, our energy vibrates both within and around us.
How we respond to stimulus is the only thing we can control in Community.
And success comes when are able to control our emotions.
After all, Emotion is simply ENERGY in MOTION.
So, with this in mind...
Where do you want to go? How do you want your journey to look? And what does 'SUCCESS' look and feel like in your body, heart and soul when you 'get there'...?
Knowing Where You Are Going enables you to FOCUS your ENERGY.
SO GET SPECIFIC. Specifics are more than just a tool of intentionality.
So, when you're ready...
1) Take a deep breath in (to the count of 4), hold your breath for a count of 6) and then exhale (through the nose) to a count of 8.
2) Write down in as much detail as possible in the box provided what success looks like for YOU in 2025...
Click the button below to start.